Clash Of Clans



Clash of Clans is an online multiplayer game in which players form communities called clans, train troops, and attack other players to earn resources. There are four currencies or resources in the game.Gold and elixir can be used to build and upgrade defenses and traps that protect the player from other players' attacks and to build and upgrade buildings. Elixir and dark elixir are also used to train and upgrade troops and spells. Gems are the premium currency.Attacks are rated on a three-star scale and have a maximum timed length of three minutes.

The game also features a pseudo-single-player campaign in which the player can attack a series of fortified goblin villagesand earn gold, elixir, and dark elixir (levels 51-75 only). The game starts with two builders, but the player can have up to five builders through buying them with gems and even a sixth by getting and unlocking the OTTO Hut in Builder Base 9. 

(Download link here ) ☣️only for android.

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